aitecs® 2017 is intended for precise and continuous dosing of solutions injected by means of disposable syringes in different areas of medicine (reanimation, surgery, cardiology, anaesthesiology, haematology and oncology).
The pump is indicated for use via intravenous, enteral, subcutaneous, or epidural routes of administration.
Infusion Modes
aitecs® 2017 in total has 7 infusion modes: continuous, volume over time, dose over time, intermittent, TPN (total parenteral nutrition), TIVA (total intravenous anaesthesia), and TCI (target controlled infusion)
Large Display for Maximum Experience
The intuitive, user-friendly interface promotes ease of use and simplifies device-training needs.
Ensuring Safety
Pump's firmware is equipped with additional safety features: Rapid Occlusion Detection (ROD) and a possibility to set safety limits of parameters in Infugard® to avoid over-dosage due to erroneous programming of infusion rate by operator.
Reaching Out to the Smallest